Urgent Action Fund Africa provides financial support for strategic interventions that take advantage of opportunities to advance women’s human rights. Such opportunities arise when an unexpected event – positive or negative – creates a situation in which rapid intervention can significantly impact.
- Strategic: The action/initiative is related to a pre-determined plan to create structural change that will advance womn’s human rights and address some of the fundamental or root challenges that pre-empted the situation.
- Unanticipated: The situation or opportunity could not have been foreseen and therefore could not have been planned for.
- Time Urgent: The initiative must take place quickly (during a period of less than three months) for it to be effective or the opportunity will be lost.
- Sustainable: The group is able to carry out the proposed action effectively and can secure funding for its future sustainability.
- Supported: The group has the support of others involved in womn’s human rights or related fields, locally or globally who must also be familiar with the situation.
- you plan to implement catalytic interventions/action within 3 months.
- ou plan to implement advocacy and/or policy influencing interventions within 6 to 12 months.
- are seeking support for your safety, security and wellbeing. This may also include but not limited to strengthening the safety and security of your staff, movement, or organization.
Visit: https://www.uaf-africa.org/apply-for-a-grant/